More info on what exactly TS file checker tool does

TSLemurs TS file checker tool

This amazing FREE console tool checks for CC errors in Transport Streams in form of files.

It helps You analyze NPVR recordings, VoD assets and other TS-encapsulated contet for lost or reordered packets and poor multiplexing.

The tool is distributed in the form of executable JAR.

You run the tool from the console or a script:

java -jar tslemurs_cc_file_checker.jar

Upon TS file analysis completion the tool shall return the number of CC errors found in the TS file supplied as parameter (-1 will be returned if an error occurred).

Logs are produced using Java Logging API.

Logging can be configured by supplying a logging configuration file as second (optional) parameter.

*Click here to AGREE to the TSLemurs TS file checker tool license agreement* to:

A sample logging configuration file is available here.