Automated detection of erroneous nPVR recordings in IPTV systems

IPTV systems usually use TS file format for storing VoD files and nPVR recordings.

nPVR recordings are created dynamically in real-time based on live TV programme.

Sometimes, these recordings may have errors.

Errors are mostly caused by errors in live TV signal or operational errors within the nPVR recording system and usually manifested as lost / reordered TS packets and CC (continuity_counter) errors within TS files.

TSLemurs TS file checker tool enables automated detection and early discovery of erroneous nPVR recordings (TS files).

This console tool is designed to be used in shell scripts.

The return value of a TS file check performed by the tool is a number of errors found in that TS file (0 for no errors).

This enables shell scripts to execute TS file check as soon as a nPVR recording is made determining if the recording has errors (lost or reordered TS packets) and if it will cause playback issues on STBs.

Read more info on how the tool works here

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