More info on what exactly HLS checker tool does

TSLemurs HLS checker tool version 2

HTTP Live Streaming (aka HLS) is the predominant HTTP-based media streaming communications protocol used today for adaptive bitrate (ABR) multimedia streaming over the Internet.

HLS protocol is the key enabler for Over-The-Top (OTT) multimedia content delivery.

TSLemurs HLS checker tool is a FREE software analyzer probe for HLS streaming quality assurance.

This HLS stream analyzer performs download and analysis of HLS playlists and media segments and displays results within its GUI.

The tool is intended for HLS stream validation, ad hoc inspection and per stream error logging.


The tool is distributed in form of executable JAR.

You can run the tool from the command line:

java -jar tslemurs_hls_checker.jar

but just double clicking the JAR file will work under most operating systems.

Since this tool uses GUI for user interaction, a GUI-capable OS environment is mandatory requirement for running the software.

Logs are produced using Java Logging API. Logging can be configured by optionally supplying a logging configuration file as a command line parameter, for example:

java -jar tslemurs_hls_checker.jar

Per stream file logging is also possible by enabling a menu option from GUI.

*Click here to AGREE to the TSLemurs HLS checker tool license agreement* to:

A sample logging configuration file is available here.