HLS stream validation using TSLemurs tools

HTTP Live Streaming (aka HLS) is the predominant HTTP-based media streaming communications protocol used today for adaptive bitrate (ABR) multimedia streaming over the Internet.

HLS protocol is the key enabler for Over-The-Top (OTT) multimedia content delivery.

For quality assurance reasons OTT service providers validate and monitor all streams beloning to their services.

By using TSLemurs HLS checker tool one can monitor any live service or validate a VoD asset delivered using HLS protocol.

With its detailed stream monitoring and per-stream file logging capability the tools can tell a lot about potential errors one might have (had) with the streams.


If (or better said when) a problem is detected, one can additionaly perform ad hoc analysis of the problematic stream using TSLemurs HLS Player Simulator.

The HLS Player Simulator is a mobile app supporting Android devices, which means it can be used from any location.

The app simulates a HLS player and provides insight into ABR switching and current CDN capability to deliver MEDIA playlists and segments in time for the client to achieve consistent playback and good quality picture and sound.

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